Victoria Chemko of Umami Marketing Featured on Your Career Break
Have you ever wondered if it’s possible to live the life you need to, while also living the life you want? I am fortunate enough to be able to be in that position with Umami Marketing, as the work allows me to be flexible and work remotely, across various time zones.
I was recently featured on one of my client’s sites regarding my ability to work remotely: Sue Hadden is a Career Break Coach & Author who has taken two Career Breaks in the last seven years, without affecting her success in the financial services industry. Sue helps those looking to make this giant step towards a flexible work/life balance, but are unsure of where and how to start.
I was interviewed by Sue on the choices that I made regarding my career, company and personal life. I love traveling and love the freedom and flexibility that come with the ability to work abroad, while maintaining my business in Digital Marketing. I am generally able to spend about 5 – 7 months of each year abroad, usually in different countries each year, and come home to enjoy the summers in Vancouver with friends and family. Technology has had a huge impact on my ability to work so successfully abroad; not only am I able to work from any area that has internet access, but other online tools, like Skype, instant messaging, etc. allow me to remain in constant contact with my clients and partners.
If this type of lifestyle appeals to you, read some of the useful information that Sue provides on her website. As stated, a traveling career can be a possibility for anybody willing to make the effort to create the lifestyle that works best for them. Read the interview here!